6th Street Live Recap & Recording - High ROI Ads [8/17/23]
On August 17th, @Nikki Gloudeman and the Creative Services team shared best practices on designing high ROI ads and answered great customer questions. Thank you all for joining us!
Watch the session here 👇️
If you'd like an assessment of your current ad, please post them here. 🤓
14:50- What leading indicators do you advise clients to review within 6sense to see if their messaging is resonating within different funnel stages?
17:23- Do you see a future in which you can group HTML5 and static in the same campaign?
18:10- Mary Clayton asks: I see inflated website traffic from my 6sense display campaigns. I believe it’s from the DSPs checking the landing page. Is there anything that can be done to correct this?
19:39- What are the best practices for writing ads?
21:25- Can you talk a bit about 6Sense's resources dedicated to creating ads? Do you have a team for each ad type or are your resources capable of producing all of them? What resources go into creating a video?
Ultimately trying to understand how I can take back a recommendation for how many resources are needed to be effective
24:50- How long does it take to find out if a campaign is bringing in pipeline leads?
26:09- Are there future plans to expand on the banner dimension types that can be served from 6Sense? Currently a smaller list than can be served from Google DV360.
27:00- How do you charge for ad creation?
28:31- For video ads, is it better or just different to use a video to get a click to a landing page of an sort or to get the click to watch a longer video?
32:01- How do you identify ad fatigue? How do I know when it's time for something fresh?
34:02- do you have a recommendation for a button size? I find that some ad sizes make buttons look small? Should buttons size scale with ad size or should the button size stay the same across as size?
35:35- what is your recommended ad frequency so that ads don’t fatigue quickly
37:08- Do you have a testing template to record and monitor KPIs that can help determine “winning” ads?
40:50- Just to clarify with the AB testing you are talking about … you are creating 1 "Campaign" and then multiple ad groups within that campaign.
42:42- When you run A/B tests, are you basing off the winning ad set based on CTR only?